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Interface: Node<Data, CustomEvents, Type> ​

Type parameters ​

CustomEventsextends Record<string, CustomEvent> = any
Typeextends string = string

Hierarchy ​

Table of contents ​

Properties ​

Properties ​

ariaLabel ​

• Optional ariaLabel: string

class ​

• Optional class: string | ClassFunc<GraphNode<Data, CustomEvents, string>>

Additional class names, can be a string or a callback returning a string (receives current flow element)

connectable ​

• Optional connectable: HandleConnectable

Disable/enable connecting node

data ​

• Optional data: Data

Additional data that is passed to your custom components

deletable ​

• Optional deletable: boolean

Disable/enable deleting node

dragHandle ​

• Optional dragHandle: string

element selector as drag handle for node (can only be dragged from the dragHandle el)

draggable ​

• Optional draggable: boolean

Disable/enable dragging node

events ​

• Optional events: Partial<NodeEventsHandler<CustomEvents>>

contextual and custom events that are passed to your custom components

expandParent ​

• Optional expandParent: boolean

expands parent area to fit child node

extent ​

• Optional extent: CoordinateExtent | CoordinateExtentRange | "parent"

define node extent, i.e. area in which node can be moved

focusable ​

• Optional focusable: boolean

Disable/enable focusing node (a11y)

height ​

• Optional height: string | number | HeightFunc

Fixed height of node, applied as style You can pass a number which will be used in pixel values (height: 300 -> height: 300px) or pass a string with units (height: 10rem -> height: 10rem)

hidden ​

• Optional hidden: boolean

Is node hidden

id ​

• id: string

Unique node id

isValidSourcePos ​

• Optional isValidSourcePos: ValidConnectionFunc

called when used as source for new connection

isValidTargetPos ​

• Optional isValidTargetPos: ValidConnectionFunc

called when used as target for new connection

label ​

• Optional label: string | VNode<RendererNode, RendererElement, { [key: string]: any; }> | Component<any, any, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions>

A node label

parentNode ​

• Optional parentNode: string

define node as a child node by setting a parent node id

position ​

• position: XYPosition

initial node position x, y

selectable ​

• Optional selectable: boolean

Disable/enable selecting node

sourcePosition ​

• Optional sourcePosition: Position

handle position

style ​

• Optional style: Styles | StyleFunc<GraphNode<Data, CustomEvents, string>>

Additional styles, can be an object or a callback returning an object (receives current flow element)

targetPosition ​

• Optional targetPosition: Position

handle position

template ​

• Optional template: NodeComponent


will be removed in the next major release overwrites current node type

type ​

• Optional type: Type

node type, can be a default type or a custom type

width ​

• Optional width: string | number | WidthFunc

Fixed width of node, applied as style You can pass a number which will be used in pixel values (width: 300 -> width: 300px) or pass a string with units (width: 10rem -> width: 10rem)

zIndex ​

• Optional zIndex: number

Released under the MIT License.